Saturday, February 16, 2013

Patience...not my strongest quality...

When I decided to do this blog, I made a decision to be transparent and honest about myself and my walk through is my blog after all. These past few weeks have been rough...

First...we have made an offer on a house and after it was accepted by the seller, they informed us that it was a short sale, so we are waiting for their bank to approve our offer...

Second....Kaleb was bumped into on some stairs at school and lost his footing.  After two times in the ER (second time the nurse instructs us to go back due to consistent pain that should be better) and a visit to the Orthopedic...he was in an air cast after first ER visit, moved to a boot the second and at Ortho was put into a plaster splint that will take two weeks then back to the boot after that-he is on crutches, tired of resting and elevating it all the time and having to need help for everything...

Third...Michael was having some pain in what I will call a sensitive area and after a visit to urgent care, then going up to the ER and having an ultrasound, they found a cyst--more then likely not to big a deal but he will be seeing a surgeon on Tuesday to determine if it needs removed...

So, to say the least my past few weeks having been doctors, ER and constant maneuvering and planning all of this... Recently the doctor informed me that I need to work on some health issues-nothing that I didn't realize so I am determined to get healthier and lose weight...I am not in denial  that I have a weight issue and these issues have made me realize that it is about a lifestyle change...I am nervous that I will fail or not succeed but lucky because I have a lot of support around me...

Through all this, I have decided that He is defiantly trying to teach me patience...trusting more in Him for His plan and purpose and really showing me the people who really care for me and my family....who support us and care for us has been hard to constantly lean on Him...I have been frustrated with the house process...tired of all the doctor stuff and wondering why all at once this comes down... But like other times...I know I need to learn patience and be more trusting of what His will is and I know this is a constant struggle for me to tests my relationship with Him, my consistency and strength...I wish I could say I don't question or ask why, but I do...I long to understand purposes and reasons, but I know it will be shown in His timing...I just wish it lined up with my timing... ;-) is not my best quality...not a spiritual gift...but a constant lesson...and if lessons bring growth then I know it is what I need...and sometimes our needs don't match the ones He has for us, but it is those needs that give us the I will give all of this to Him and work hard to trust and have patience...I know He is for me and for my sweet sons and husband...I know that He will do things in His and patience....


  1. Hey, I was just now able to read this post. How have things gone since? Were you able to be patient? And did you find a lesson in everything?

    1. Still crazy, Kaleb has another week in cast and then to the boot, still waiting for an answer on the house and still dealing with myself...but as I said patience is always my hardest lesson and through this, I am learning and trying and seeking....somedays I am good and some days I fail but I am always willing to learn and grow....there is always a lesson everyday.... :-)
