Thursday, April 25, 2013

15 Years and Counting...A Love Letter to my Love

April 25, 2013

My Love, My Life, My Breath, 

How does one begin to sum up 15 years of marriage?  How do you even begin to explain what this time has done to you as a person? I can hardly believe as I sit here that 15 (+) years has passed…some days it feels like yesterday and there are some that feel like it has been the longest race…but as you run a race, there are always stations where you can grab a cup of water and feel replenished - it gives you that little bit of fuel to press on….I am grateful that in these days, the cup has been there to refuel us and help us press on…
I don’t know if there are enough words to express how I feel as I write…I don’t know how to process the depth of my love and feelings for you.  I never thought I would have this in my life, I never thought anyone would love me this way…would CHOOSE to love me this way…you changed my life the moment we went from friends to a couple.  You changed who I was, who I thought I was going to be, what I wanted in my life and you busted through a wall that I never thought anyone would ever get through…there is no one on this Earth that knows me the way you do. 
We have beat the odds…most people who marry at our age, with our circumstance don’t make it…I am grateful everyday (even the ones that I want to beat you) that we have always chosen to keep trying, even when giving up would have been easier…but I guess that is us…always doing things the hard way J 
I can’t imagine my life without you in it.  You have done so much to help me grow, to teach me how to be open to love, to make me be a better person, wife and mommy…I know that some people say that this could be too much dependency, but truly, there are days that being apart from you because of work or other schedule issues I just feel empty, like part of me is missing…there is nothing better in this life then knowing that you have someone whose love pushes you to be more than you can imagine, whose very presence fills you with joy and hope and who loves you with a love than can only come from the kind of love that Jesus gives us.
Because of you, I believe: love is patient, love is kind, it is not envious and does not boast.  It is not rude, proud or self-seeking.  It is not easily angered, does not record wrongs.  It doesn’t delight in the bad and it rejoices in the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres.  Love never fails.  Even in the times that it may not seem this way, I know that your love will never fail…Your hope and optimism astound me.  I have never known someone like you; who can always find the hope in the dark, see the light in the future, and find the joy in the sorrow…
There is no one else I can imagine raising kids with, walking through the storms, the hurricanes and the earthquakes of life with; there is not anyone else that I would rather share my joy, my hope and the exciting things of life with.  You are my person, my partner, my love, my best friend…These past 15 (+) years have been some of the greatest and some of the hardest of my life, but I would not change them for anything in the world…I would do every amazing, joy filled, loving moment all over again and every tear, heartache and devastating moment again…every one of those moments have led us to where we are today and there is no one else that I would want to be standing here with. 
Babe, you are the greatest gift God has given me.  I don’t think there is anyone else that could compliment me the way you do, that could understand me, support me, guide me….you lift me up, you hold me close, you nurture my independence, you breathe life into the days that I feel lifeless, you carry me through the storms, you nurture and guide my relationship with Jesus, you push me to grow, to learn, to be filled with a joy that only comes from faith.  You are everything I could ever want, but most of all you are everything that I need. 
In the darkest moments, you are the reason that I can still see the light – still find Him – and still know there is purpose in it all.  In the happiest moments, you are the reason that I smile bigger – keep the joy close – and know that we deserve to be happy.  In times of peace, you are the reason we are steady – you are the reason we stay open to what is coming – and you are the reason we know peace comes from Him.  In times of turmoil, you are the reason I hold on to Him to stay afloat – the one who comforts me in the rawness of life – and you are the reason I find hope. 
The fact is, life isn’t worth truly living without having you to live it with…the next chapter of our lives will be a ride, this I can already tell.  One son entering high school, one moving into the teen years...I don’t know how one even begins to process the fact that our boys are turning into men before our eyes – We are barely adults ourselves J
Never stop being the man you are, the one you are striving to be…I will walk beside you in the greatest hours and in the darkest and when I get lost, I know you will be there to take my hand and lead me back to Him and to you…
Thank you for the past 15 (+) years.  Thank you for loving me like no one else ever has or ever could.  Thank you for being willing to always work it out, work it through and strive for more.  Thank you for being forgiving, gracious and full of mercy.  Thank you for giving the greatest hugs in the whole world.  Thank you for loving my family as your own.  Thank you for supporting and complimenting.  Most of all, thank you for being all I have ever needed.  I adore you, I am blessed to have you, and I love you. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

When Did LOVE stop being the focus....

I have been tossing this blog post around - trying to make sure that I am clear in what I say - that my thoughts are not misunderstood or taken in the wrong way...and as I type this, I realize that the people I am most worried about getting this from is "Christians" or "Church people".  I found myself laughing because my same thoughts and frustration is at these people.

I think that the "Church" or "Christians" are very guilty of finding a sin and making it the sin of the decade - and I think that many end up forgetting what HE is about and end turning into exactly what we should NOT be - hateful.  I am so frustrated and hurt by the way believers are using scripture and His teaching to be hateful to the homosexual community.  In the past few weeks, I have seen the constant "sharing" of posts - the pictures that make fun of the equality picture - comments like "I hope they make gum legal" and other ignorant type statements ---- and all I can think is that here are Christians, complaining about being people being "immoral" or "woldly" and in turn acting in the EXACT SAME MANNER ----doing nothing with love and everything with judgement and disdain.  Yet, these Christians are surprised that people reject His love....hmmmm, wonder why?  

I want to be clear - I believe that when it comes to anything that has to do with civil liberties and government issues, benefits or choices, our country was founded on the basis that all men (peoples) are created equal.  I want to be allowed to have freedom to worship and love who I choose, freedom to say and feel what I think, carry a weapon or write a blog without fear of persecution and hatred....and I think that it would be wrong if laws were passed telling pastors what they could and could not preach on, what the church could or could not believe in and in desiring all these things we have to realize that it is just as wrong of us to want these for ourselves, but not every other person have the same rights .... that we have decided that it is okay to group people into who deserves and who doesn't deserve these rights based on what we as humans see as what is is okay for us to be free, but not this group, etc......I can see it now, that there will be people reading this who say she must be backslidden or falling away from God ----- I assure you that this is not the case.....I am just tired of people saying they love Him and want to follow Him, be like Him and then picking a group of people and persecuting them and spewing hatred and not showing love, grace, mercy and all the other attributes that we want Him to show us.  God's love covers all sin - His love is here for all to accept --- we take scriptures in Matthew and assume it gives us rights to judge and point fingers at others sins ---- I think we all forget that we need to be making sure our own life is free and clear - clean from sins...and to be honest, how many people are really honest with themselves about their own is so easy to point fingers at others, to ridicule, to judge because no really ever wants to look within themselves.  

I have many friends in my life who live this lifestyle.  They are loving, accepting, and kind about my faith choice, my beliefs...the desire to understand what I think just like I desire to understand their thoughts... 

The above article is one of the best articles I have ever read.  The last two paragraphs are so pure and perfect.  What I don't understand is when Christians decided that persecution is more important than showing the love of Jesus...that giving what He has given to us, in all of our sins, is second to pointing out all the "wrongs" we see.  I am not arguing on what the Bible says is sin, I am not saying that we cannot talk to people about what sin is, what He says about it...I am not disputing His word to be untrue...I just believe that hate breeds more hate and persecution breeds more persecution...but love, love plants a seed and love opens is love that died for us, love that rose from the dead for us and love that took our sin and gave us a way to be with Him forever...I believe that with love, you build a relationship and when people start seeing Jesus in you, then a door can be opened....but when we hate and point fingers, it makes people turn away, feel rejected, and why would anyone want to be apart of that?  

I am not free from sin - in fact I sin a lot...I am not perfect and now, I will probably be more judged by my own group of "church" people and "Christians" then ever desire in this life is to show the same love He has shown me, to show the same grace and mercy He constantly has to show me and most of all, to show everyone that the last you should fear is rejection of that love because you are not fitting the "church" mold that people want to see....

I am not perfect and I will never fit into any mold.

So, at that note, judge me as you see fit...think what you into this more than you should...and feel free to delete me from Facebook, your cell phone and whatever other part of your life because I am to liberal or open minded...go ahead, press delete...